Teaching Reflection 5: IELTS Speaking

This lesson was probably my most favourite simply because it forced engagement and most of the students were able to participate. I do feel limited and restricted with the length of the lessons as I wish I had more time. In this lesson, I had an overview of the speaking module and then the remainder of the class was a speaking activity where each student was assigned a speaking topic and they had to speak for 1.5 minutes regarding that topic. In IELTS, I believe they are given two minutes to speak so I wanted the activity to simulate the exam as closely as possible. In hindsight, I believe that I should have given each student only a minute to speak so more students could have participated. Each student that was able to speak did a great job and it was a great way for them to firsthand experience the speaking module in IELTS. Time management and constraints are a continued challenge for me. I just wish I had more time and more classes to teach so that I could have consecutive classes and continue lessons instead of trying to jam as much as possible within a 40 minute period. This does provide great insight into the future when I do have my own class so that I can prepare proper lead-in and scaffolding. 

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